Benefit Cosmetics - stay don't stray
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"Benefit Cosmetics - stay don't stray" Feature
This dual-action power primer works 360° degrees around the eyes to make concealers AND eyeshadows STAY PUT. Concealers don't crease, eyeshadows stay vibrant and'll wonder how you ever lived without it! Comes in a neutral nude shade that is universally flattering and a custom airless pump that is sooo easy to use - just a dab'll do ya! Sodium Hyaluronate hydrates and fills in fine lines. Vitamins C & E help fight signs of aging.Gently pump a small amount onto the back of your hand. Apply 3 tiny dots under your eyes with fingertips & blend. Next apply 3 dots on eyelids & blend. Let set, then apply concealers and eyeshadows as usual.

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