TECHNIblock Sunscreen SPF15 150ml x 4 SAVE 20%
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"TECHNIblock Sunscreen SPF15 150ml x 4 SAVE 20%" Feature
TECHNIblock is a high quality sunscreen that provides broad spectrum protection against the damaging effects of the sun. Over exposure to harmful UVA and UVB is ageing and contributes to wrinkles, brown spots and uneven pigmentation; dermatologists recommend that we use sun protection with a high SPF every day. The sun raises many important issues for the health of you and your family. Skin cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in the UK between the ages of 16 and 35. Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous of all, causing the majority of skin-cancer-related deaths. Cancer Research UK states cases have more than quadrupled in the last 30 years. Early diagnosis is essential to prevent cancerous cells from spreading and cause is almost always linked to overexposure to ultra violet light especially during the first 20 years of life which demonstrates the importance of using an effective sun blocker like TECHNIblock. Developed in South Africa, TECHNIblock is recognised by the Cancer Association of South Africa. It's non-greasy, fast-drying, fragrance-free, very water resistant and breathable, making it ideal for people who suffer from heat rash or have sensitive skin. What makes it different to all the other sun protection lotions on the market? The active ingredients that prevent skin from burning are delivered in a spray, which dries instantly, leaving behind only what's needed to keep you protected. It works upside down, does not need rubbing in so there's no fuss or mess and it does not wash off on contact with water, unlike other sun care products that use emulsifiers and oils, which often leave a greasy residue on the skin, mark clothing making them uncomfortable to wear, and emulsifiers dissolve in water so prolonged swimming and water-sports means frequent reapplying. TECHNIblock is fantastic for young children because it's easy and quick to use and it's ideal for those hairy, hard-to-reach parts of the body, making it perfect for men too!

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