Monday, 1 July 2013

+++ Wrinkles Reduction cream, 45+; 30ml buy

Wrinkles Reduction cream, 45+; 30ml

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Wrinkles Reduction cream, 45+; 30ml

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"Wrinkles Reduction cream, 45+; 30ml" Feature

The wrinkles reduction cream is a day face cream, that contains active ingredients of plant origin such as Squalane from olive oil, an extract derived from the oil of Tropic Tree Illipe, Caprylic/Capric Trigycleride. The cream contains a combined ingredient which visibly reduces fine wrinkles and small imperfections on the skin and has a refractive index close to the skin index thus achieving visible smoothness, natural look and reduced shine. The cream reinforces the natural self-protection mechanisms of the skin such as collagen synthesis, hydrates, restores and protects from the influence of the environmental unfavourable factors. It improves the skin firmness and smoothes its complexion.

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